Intellectual Copyright

Got a call from the lawyers for the Fall River, MA "heirs" to the Count Dante image, name and trademarks for the "Black Dragon Fighting Society."

Images used in a film have to be paid for. Distribution of a dramatic film or doc is contingent upon how diligent you have been at clearing rights of all images and music, releases, etc. I am down for clearing everything and paying reasonable fees for licensing. There are issues of ownership in the event of a deceased personality that have to be resolved of course. Hopefully this will no be too painful. We all have to deal with it.

After the 1970 Dojo War, Keehan was excommunicated from martial arts, He ended up in Fall River, MA.

Fall River is the city that the crooked broker, Luigi DiFonzo, of the 1974 Purolator Armored Car Vault Robbery, was born and raised in. The city of Tauntaun, MA, not far from Fall River, is where the infamous Death Matches were held in March, 1975 two months before John Keehan died reportedly of "bleeding ulcers."

Keehan was suspected of being involved in this robbery by Art Petaque of the Chicago Sun-Times, but was cleared by the Grand Jury of Cook County after he passed a lie detector test. Keehan was closely associated with William Aguiar in Fall River. This is where Dante was going to make his come back from according to Black Belt magazine writer, Massod Ayub. I have not even began to deal with the Puralator Robbery yet, that is a film of it's own. Was Keehan actually involved? I asked his former attornet Robert Cooley that very questions on video tape, he replied "Absolutey!"

BAck on the ride again.....


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