With The Bunnie, After the Hutch

John Keehan/Count Danté, John Danté? Another mystery arises, maybe not. Are Count Dante and John Danté 2 people or 1 person of many personas? He was was known in the hutch, His Bunny Mother girlfriend, Patty Kobe, may have fired one of the women I spoke with. The woman above thinks John Keehan Dante was the one who chose her as a Playboy Bunny when she was 17, in very creepy circumstances. There was a club on Rush Street's called Dante's Inferno, it burned down. It was owned by a this John Dante. No sign of Barbara Kemp. No sjgn of her companion Antinie.

I got some supportive research to do befoe I post anything more. Plus I have convention work due for tomorrow and Wednesday. I am hustlin'.

More later.


Fly Girl said…
It doesn't sound like you're keeping out of trouble to be. Digital derelict indeed.
Jeff said…
So how is the work going? I'm looking forward to seeing this one.

I remember I first found your blog about a year and a half ago while googling John Keehan. I was supposed to do some research on him, as well as many many other karate specialists and practitioners before my black belt test. This was all I found upon my first search, and I've found it fascinating ever since.

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