In the Mix...In silence there is progress...

(I have to acknowledge the death of conductor/composer George Kub.
George was in the office right above mine in the Fine Arts Building. When I was burning the midnight oil he was often there there playing piano until after 1:00 am. It was my working background music for the last two years.

He shared an office with the woman I suspect of giving Keehan singing lessons. Maria D'Albert is over 80 herself, has had 100s of students over 50 years and cannot say for sure if Dante was her student. He stopped singing in the 1960s.

George died after returning from a concert in Lima, Peru, at the home of his brother. He was 64. RIP George)

The making of The Search for Count Dante continues. I share information when I can but I am careful not to give away too much these days. There has been a propaganda war going on around the legacies and lineages and that is really not a place I want to be in with the film. The film sits apart from that.

Meanwhile check out the new article on the making of the film at Writer Nigel Clarke really put some time in to do it up right.

I did not get a Fellowship I applied a few months back. I sincerely thank them for the nomination and move on. The good thing is I have prospects to pursue and the path forward is steep but not impossible.

I am shooting interviews in the next week and I will retain an air of mystery, revealing all after it happens. Well, not all.
Just a few salient bits.

We will be back in court in Boston in the Aguiar v. Webb et al - Copyright and trademark infringement claims against documentary maker's promotional website and film trailer case.

We have a motion for dismissal pending and Mr Aguiar will learn the judges decision on his being sanctioned. More to be revealed in October.

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