New Discoveries afoot...

Some very odd things have happened this past few weeks besides the lawsuit. Regarding the lawsuit, there have been motions and counter-motions and allies of the opposition are still arguing the case on Bullshido. Everyone is asking me what is going to happen. Hmmmmmm...we will see. :-)

I am grateful to my legal team at the Stanford University Fair Use Project for Documentary Film and Foley Hoag for all the hard work they have put into representing me. At Stanford they are: Anthony Falzone, Julie Ahrens and Brandy Karl.

It is very important that I acknowledge Lawrence Lessig, the founder and director of the Center for Internet and Society and the C. Wendell and Edith M. Carlsmith Professor of Law at Stanford Law School. He was named one of Scientific American's Top 50 Visionaries for arguing "against interpretations of copyright that could stifle innovation and discourse online.”

At Foley Hoag in Boston I would like to thank Mike Boudett, David Kluf, and Walead Esmail. They have all done a great job!

Meanwhile, my work goes on. As part of my investigation of John Keehan's "San Francisco Period," I have spoken with a real Grandmaster, one whose credentials will never be in question, Ralph Castro. We spoke about his coming to Chicago in 1963 with Ed Parker for the First World Karate Tournament that was organized by John Keehan on behalf of the Robert Trias and the United States Karate Association. One of the joys of working on this film is being able to talk to singular personalities like Great Grandmaster Castro.

His first martial arts training was as a boxer at the behest of his father Boss Castro, in Honolulu. Mr Castro began his training under Grandmaster William S Chow in Hawaii in 1955 when he was 21 years old. Chow is considered by many to be the founder of the modern day kenpo system. I spoke with the 75 year old after one of his classes by phone last week. I was trying to get a line on his knowledge of John Keehan back in those days. He meet him but did not know much about him except that he organized the 1963 tournament.

Mr Castro was not a student's of Ed Parker's but he did attend the Chicago Tournament with him as a contemporary and fellow instructor back then. He speaks of it as one of his most exciting trips to the city.

This is the substance the film needs. This is an opportunity to explore other origins and migrations that gave us martials arts in America.

Now, back to writing, interviews, reenactments and animation. The beat goes on....and there is an end in sight.


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